Showing posts with label Mexico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mexico. Show all posts

Friday, March 4, 2011

Art Exhibition: Paola Gonzalez M. / Contemporary Fine Artist/ Mexico/Dreams and The Enchanted Garden

Dreams Series

Paola Gonzalez M. 
Title: The Open Cage 
Size: 110 cm X 140 cm
Technique: Mixed media, Acrylic, Silver Leaf and Genuine 12 K white gold

Paola Gonzalez M. 
Title: The Blue Wizard
Size: 120 cm X 180 cm
Technique: Mixed media, Acrylic, Silver Leaf and Green Tea

Paola Gonzalez M. 
Title: The Wishing Tree
Size: 110 cm X 140 cm
Technique: Mixed media, Acrylic, Genuine 12 K white gold and Green tea

Paola Gonzalez M. 
Title: Zafir
Size: 100 cm X 170 cm
Technique: Mixed media, Acrylic and Silver Leaf

The Enchanted Garden Series

Paola Gonzalez M.
Title: The Joy of Gaia
Size: 130 cm X 130 cm
Téchnique: Acrylic, Precious Metals: Genuine 24k Gold.

Paola Gonzalez M. 
Title: Blue Mist
Size: 150 cm X 180 cm
Téchnique: Acrylic, Precious Metals: Genuine 24k Gold.

Paola Gonzalez M. 
Title: Golden Memories
Size: 155 cm X 185 cm
Téchnique: Acrylic, Precious Metals: Genuine 24k Gold and 12 k White Gold.

Paola Gonzalez M. 
Title: Lost in my Blue Garden
Size: 150 cm X 180 cm
Téchnique: Acrylic, Precious Metals: Genuine 24k Gold and 24 K White Gold.

Paola Gonzalez M. 
Title: The Golden Seed
Size: 100 cm X 170 cm
Téchnique: Acrylic, Silver Leaf and Precious Metals: Genuine 24k Gold.

Paola Gonzalez M. 
Title: The Blue King
Size: 100 cm X 100 cm
Technique: Acrilic with silver leaf


Paola Gonzalez M. was born in Monterrey, Mexico. She is a self-taught artist, currently Paola is working on the dream series: " This is one of the most difficult paintings (emotionally speaking), that I´ve ever done so far", she says. With tradeyourtalent she speaks about her emotions while painting and what it is like being an artist in Mexico. 

You are currently working on the "Dream Series". What inspired you to this theme? 

Paola: This series represents the dreams and  hopes we all carry: that dream could be something or someone, it could be anything we desire... In the middle of every painting in this series there is this forbidden chaos full of color and movement, right in the middle of the painting hope appears - and everything changes, so many emotions are mixed represented by color and signs. I really enjoyed working on this painting and also I had the opportunity to experiment a little bit more, applying only my feelings on the canvas- trying not to worry so much about the final composition or esthetic value.  The painting starts talking by itself... and the most important thing for me at the end is, what it represents to you, what emotions do you feel when you look at it, what it reminds you of? How does it make you feel? 

Why did you decide to become a painter? 

Paola: Well it's something that I was born with, since I was a little girl I enjoyed  painting and drawing everywhere so much, in my books, notebooks I remember “decorating” some brand sofas my parents just brought painting them all with colorful crayons... Since then I knew that art was a part of my life, I consider myself a self taught painter, everything is spontaneous and I love to improvise.

What is it like being an artist in Mexico? 

Paola: It is great, we have so many young and  great artists in the country, I think that we have this special mexican “spice” in art, rich in color and textures, that makes mexican art so unique, full of color, stories and beautiful traditions...

What kind of stories do you want to tell with your work? 

Paola: I love telling stories about what am I feeling or living at the moment, for example the last series called Enchanted Garden, it is dedicated to the child we all carry inside, so this is a very special series for me, since my principal muse is my baby Pao, every single painting has a story hidden in it, I just love to express myself with color and forms it is so much fun working and experimenting with different materials and techniques.

If you could choose an old master to work with, who would it be? 

Paola: I would choose lots of them! but I think it would be Marc Chagall. 

Paoloa's website with  curriculum and photos:


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