Monday, December 5, 2011

In Memory of Dana Maor

I started this blog one year ago - many of you know that I decided to do this because I lost a very dear friend of mine due to a tragic accident. Dana Maor was an amazing artist and this is why I decided to go on a journey, partly to remain close to her but I also had a sudden urge to find out what really inspires artists, how they create their artwork and why they decide to pursue their dreams every single day.

It was Dana's birthday in November and this is why her family and friends created a beautiful exhibition for her in Israel. I would like to show you her artwork and talent. These are photos taken from this exhibition with her artwork, and art that her friends created. Most of the artwork on the photos is hers, except when you see someone painting in the picture.


  1. Heisan!

    Dropped in to say: I wish you Merry Christmas and a Peaceful, New Year ;:OD)



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