for me, is literally everywhere." Tahira Lubrano is an illustrator from
the Netherlands. Tahira and I are constantly developing new ideas for
creative projects, whether it is a children's book or a creative
get-together in her hometown Rotterdam, we never run out of ideas.
Tahira enjoys working with watercolor, pencil and ink. The drawing style
she uses for
her illustrations is called chibi, a word used for a Japanese drawing
style and
in general means cute little people.
With Trade Your Talent she speaks about why she decided to take the
and chase her dreams as an illustrator.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
Inspiration for me, is literally everywhere. It’s in the way people
talk, in my music, in other drawings from fellow artists, in a smile of a
child. Every little thing can spark an idea for a drawing. Some ideas I
really have to draw immediately, others are ideas for the near future. I
have a folder filled with ideas and sketches that I may or may not
finish. It’s also good for reference though and to see how I change
over time.
Why did you choose to become an illustrator? Is it hard sometimes?
had to chase my dreams of being an illustrator. I came on a point in my
life where I was seriously doubting all I did. All my years of studying
seemed useless. Not that they are, but I knew deep in my heart that I
wouldn’t be doing a whole lot with it. It’s my safety net sort to speak.
Of course, I don’t know how my drawing style would have developed when I
would’ve studied Art. Maybe I wouldn’t be drawing the way I do now? I
don’t know, all I know is that every choice you make in life has its
pros and cons, as long as it’s the right choice to make at that time in
your life. Then nothing else matters. You can’t predict the future. I
know, that I haven’t been happier and more myself since I’m drawing full
time ^_^.
it is hard. I’m not going to lie! I am working a lot and I need to
pay attention to a lot of things. From blogging to networking, from
commission work to own projects, from making sure that my administration
is up to date to trying to have a social life on the side. Sometimes
there is not enough time in a day! I try to break it up in pieces, so I
have actual a moment to breathe. But I’m just starting out and
nothing is easy in life. Which is a good thing, because I’m determined
to work hard for what I want and I know that the reward will be so much
better and fulfilling!
When did you know you wanted to become a full time illustrator?
always known that I would do something creative. I just didn’t know
what. I love to dance, I love music, to draw, to write and bake. So was I
going to be a baker? A dancer? A singer? There are a lot of options,
but without knowing I did, I always came back to drawing and writing.
So in a way I already knew what I was the passionate about. It has been
quite a long journey before I had enough courage to say to myself ‘You
know, I will take the plunge and chase my dreams!’. Applying for an Art
study has always been an option. When I graduated from high school, it
was at the back of my mind.
in a way, I think that the determination I have now, only strengthens
my passion and my need to be an illustrator. The competition is hard and
most blogs I follow from other artists are from people with an Art
degree in their pocket. This can be discouraging at times, but then
again it only motivates me to work harder.
Do you have any creative advice for artists that are just starting out?
be yourself! I know it can be daunting to start illustrating and
designing. It’s a competitive world and the talent that wanders around
is huge. Just remember there is an audience for your work and when you
find who they are, focus on that. Also, if you have a creative block,
don’t get too annoyed or scared. It is normal to have them and over
thinking things or trying too hard is often the cause of it. Let it go
and focus on other things. You will see that it comes back sooner than
later and you will be more inspired than ever!

© Tahira Lubrano

© Tahira Lubrano

© Tahira Lubrano
More about Tahira Lubrano
Yaaaay :D Thank so much for doing this Susanna! I truly appreciate it!
I enjoyed reading this! I love her advice, stay true to yourself! thanks for introducing her.