Something happened to me yesterday and I'm still not sure if I should share this incident with my dear readers or not. This is because yesterday I posted a status update with such a carefree spirit (my first artists get together, yay) that unfortunately I'm now too embarrassed to talk about this. On the other hand, it might be perceived as a quite funny incident, so I decided, I must share.
First off: last week was incredible. So many things happened at once, positive things that enhanced my path of creating a creative business (I found a business partner, my coach agreed on our concept and told me we should enter a creative ideas competition and: I might be in New York this summer. This means I'll be able to build more connections for my creative business! Already made my first appointment with a famous and gorgeous illustrator, so excited. TYT will be reporting from NY of course!)
Anyhow, back to my embarrassing "artists get together" moment. I had been invited to an artists get together in Berlin and I was really excited to meet new people, talk about collaborations and what not! My trip there was already something of an adventure, because I nearly didn't find the gallery space. I ended up wandering somewhere by the river, a little scared, because it wasn't the prettiest part of town... Nevertheless, once I recognized more artsy types of people I was kind of relieved, at least now I was sure that I had been on the right path!
However it turned out, that the event wasn't really what I had been expecting. I thought I would be talking to sweet illustrators all night, instead I ended up not talking to anybody (I didn't introduce myself and no one introduced themselves to me) and then I was even more embarrassed to SEARCH for the host of the party (I only knew her by name) but not how she looked like...and so forth. As time progressed (and I had looked at a painting for the one hundredth time, pretending I was looking at it for the FIRST time) even more strange people appeared and I decided to flee. I know this sounds a bit extreme, but I had a good plan hatched out in my mind: Find stairs. Run.
Hence I decided to actually flee the building, I was literally running away and I only looked back once (to check if anybody had actually noticed or would report on me) but luckily no one noticed or in fact, cared. I'm really sorry I do not have more exciting news for you about this event, but, I decided to be honest with you. Plus: I hope you had a good laugh. :-) In any case, if this ever happens to you, make sure you always, always bring someone along if you don't know what to expect from a party. Otherwise, if you're not able to bond with the other guests, you must do as I did and develop an escape plan (and write an embarrassing blog post for your readers!)