Mia Collis is a documentary photographer from Kenya. She was one of the first artists I interviewed for TYT, here you can have a look at her recent photography from Madagascar.
In 2010 Mia worked for IMAX/Warner Brothers as their Kenyan production
manager on the 3D cinematic release "Born to be Wild" about orphaned orangutans and
elephants. In 2012 Mia traveled again with IMAX, this time to Madagascar, to work
as production manager on a movie set for release in 2014. Mia went on to see the launch of the
book “Women are Heroes-Kibera” she worked with a team on the book in
collaboration with French artist/photographer and 2011 TED prize winner JR.
Mia's recent photographic work has appeared in CNN’s photo blog, NYT Lens Blog, Today’s Zaman, WLT Magazine, Global Post , PBS News Hour, USAID
Front Lines-(cover photo), EGPAF, United Nations World Youth Report and
most recently represented twice in National Geographic’s Traveler contest as ‘Editors Pick’.