Kate Pruitt is an artist and contributing editor to Design*Sponge, a daily website with 65,000 daily readers, dedicated to home and product design. With tradeyourtalent she speaks about her passion for art history and how her perfect interior design would look like. Kate grew up in New Hampshire and now lives in California.

How does the perfect home design look like for you?
I can't say I have a perfect home design, because my tastes are always changing and there are so many homes designs I love that are incredibly varied from one another. At this very moment, I would say my idea of a perfect home would be something semi-industrial, maybe a loft of some kind, with wood floors, a few brick walls, and a very open floor plan. I've enjoyed the time I've spent in my cozy 1920's apartment, but I am beginning to feel limited by the small rooms and the excessive decorative molding. As someone who loves to change things around and build different things, the perfect home design for me would be somewhat gallery-like. You could always be playing around with furniture, wall decor, and lighting, and large sculptural pieces would feel at home in the space. Throw in good natural light and a working fireplace somewhere, and that's heaven for me.
What does creativity mean to you?
Creativity to me is a combination of insight and courage. Coming up with an inventive idea is useless if you never do anything with it. It takes a certain fearlessness to experiment with new materials or follow through on a seemingly crazy idea. I think this drive is what fuels creative productivity, and I am constantly in awe of the courageous designers working in the field today.
Where do you get your inspiration?
I am originally a painter by trade, so I like to look at art history, visit museums and galleries, and keep up with all the emerging artists who share their work online. I also find inspiration in all kinds of objects and materials, and I think it's really fun to go to a large hardware store, thrift shop, or art supply store and just examine everything.
What kind of advice you would give to young artists, who are only starting out?
I would say two things. First, get yourself out there! The internet is the most amazing forum for getting yourself heard and your work seen, and it works very symbiotically. If your work is high quality and unique, it will naturally get the most buzz; good ideas are usually rewarded with good press. Second, presentation is EVERYTHING. We receive thousands of emails a day at Design*Sponge and we have to be tough editors. If we receive bad photos, or worse yet —no photos— we're probably going to pass on that submission. Be sure to get good images of your work—consider the lighting, the styling, everything—and be professional in your submission emails. Good images are your golden ticket to success in the world of design blogs.
Kate's uncommon valentine designspongeonline.com/
For more of Kate's work visit:katepruitt.blogspot.com
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